
Class goog.math.Matrix

Class for representing and manipulating matrices. The entry that lies in the i-th row and the j-th column of a matrix is typically referred to as the i,j entry of the matrix. The m-by-n matrix A would have its entries referred to as: [ a0,0 a0,1 a0,2 ... a0,j ... a0,n ] [ a1,0 a1,1 a1,2 ... a1,j ... a1,n ] [ a2,0 a2,1 a2,2 ... a2,j ... a2,n ] [ . . . . . ] [ . . . . . ] [ . . . . . ] [ ai,0 ai,1 ai,2 ... ai,j ... ai,n ] [ . . . . . ] [ . . . . . ] [ . . . . . ] [ am,0 am,1 am,2 ... am,j ... am,n ]

Instance Method Summary
add(?goog.math.Matrix m) ⇒ !goog.math.Matrix

Returns a new matrix that is the sum of this and the provided matrix.

appendColumns(?goog.math.Matrix m) ⇒ !goog.math.Matrix

Appends the given matrix to the right side of this matrix.

appendRows(?goog.math.Matrix m) ⇒ !goog.math.Matrix

Appends the given matrix to the bottom of this matrix.

equals(?goog.math.Matrix m, number= opt_tolerance) ⇒ boolean

Returns whether the given matrix equals this matrix.

getCofactor_(number i, number j) ⇒ number

Returns the signed minor.

getDeterminant() ⇒ number

Returns the determinant of this matrix. The determinant of a matrix A is often denoted as |A| and can only be applied to a square matrix.

getDeterminant_() ⇒ number

Returns the determinant of this matrix. The determinant of a matrix A is often denoted as |A| and can only be applied to a square matrix. Same as public method but without validation. Implemented using Laplace's formula.

getInverse() ⇒ ?goog.math.Matrix

Returns the inverse of this matrix if it exists or null if the matrix is not invertible.

getMinor_(number i, number j) ⇒ number

Returns the determinant of the submatrix resulting from the deletion of row i and column j.

getReducedRowEchelonForm() ⇒ !goog.math.Matrix

Transforms this matrix into reduced row echelon form.

getSize() ⇒ !goog.math.Size
getSubmatrixByCoordinates_(number i1, number j1, number= opt_i2, number= opt_j2) ⇒ !goog.math.Matrix

Returns a submatrix contained within this matrix.

getSubmatrixByDeletion_(number i, number j) ⇒ !goog.math.Matrix

Returns a new matrix equal to this one, but with row i and column j deleted.

getTranspose() ⇒ !goog.math.Matrix

Return the transpose of this matrix. For an m-by-n matrix, the transpose is the n-by-m matrix which results from turning rows into columns and columns into rows

getValueAt(number i, number j) ⇒ ?number

Retrieves the value of a particular coordinate in the matrix or null if the requested coordinates are out of range.

isInBounds_(number i, number j) ⇒ boolean

Returns whether the given coordinates are contained within the bounds of the matrix.

isSquare() ⇒ boolean
matrixMultiply_(?goog.math.Matrix m) ⇒ !goog.math.Matrix

Matrix multiplication is defined between two matrices only if the number of columns of the first matrix is the same as the number of rows of the second matrix. If A is an m-by-n matrix and B is an n-by-p matrix, then their product AB is an m-by-p matrix

multiply((goog.math.Matrix|null|number) m) ⇒ !goog.math.Matrix

Performs matrix or scalar multiplication on a matrix and returns the resultant matrix. Matrix multiplication is defined between two matrices only if the number of columns of the first matrix is the same as the number of rows of the second matrix. If A is an m-by-n matrix and B is an n-by-p matrix, then their product AB is an m-by-p matrix Scalar multiplication returns a matrix of the same size as the original, each value multiplied by the given value.

scalarMultiply_(number m) ⇒ !goog.math.Matrix

Scalar multiplication returns a matrix of the same size as the original, each value multiplied by the given value.

setValueAt(number i, number j, number value)

Sets the value at a particular coordinate (if the coordinate is within the bounds of the matrix).

subtract(?goog.math.Matrix m) ⇒ !goog.math.Matrix

Returns a new matrix that is the difference of this and the provided matrix.

swapRows_(number i1, number i2)

Swaps two rows.

toArray() ⇒ !Array
toString() ⇒ string

Returns a string representation of the matrix. e.g.

[ 12  5  9  1 ]
[  4 16  0 17 ]
[ 12  5  1 23 ]

Static Method Summary
createIdentityMatrix(number n) ⇒ !goog.math.Matrix

Creates a square identity matrix. i.e. for n = 3:

[ 1 0 0 ]
[ 0 1 0 ]
[ 0 0 1 ]

createZeroPaddedArray_(number m, number n) ⇒ !Array

Creates a new zero padded matix.

forEach(?goog.math.Matrix matrix, ?Function fn, ?Object= opt_obj)

Calls a function for each cell in a matrix.

isValidArray(?Array arr) ⇒ boolean

Tests whether an array is a valid matrix. A valid array is an array of arrays where all arrays are of the same length and all elements are numbers.

map(?goog.math.Matrix matrix, ?Function fn, ?Object= opt_obj) ⇒ !goog.math.Matrix

Calls a function for every cell in a matrix and inserts the result into a new matrix of equal dimensions.