Interface Summary | |
DiagnosticGroupRegistrar | |
JsInput | JsInput represents a JavaScript input to the Closure Compiler. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractJsInput | AbstractJsInput provides the default logic for extracting
goog.provide() and goog.require() information. |
CoffeeFile | CoffeeFile represents a CoffeeScript source file on disk. |
CoffeeScriptCompiler | Adapted from JCoffeeScriptCompiler.java in https://github.com/yeungda/jcoffeescript. |
Compilation | Compilation represents a compilation performed by the Closure
Compiler. |
CompilationServer | |
CompilationUtil | |
CompileRequestHandler | |
CompilerPassFactory | CompilerPassFactory instantiates CompilerPass es using
reflection, based on the class names that are provided to the "custom-passes"
option in a plovr config. |
Config | |
Config.Builder | |
ConfigOptionDocumentationGenerator | ConfigOptionDocumentationGenerator is a class that generates HTML
documentation for ConfigOption . |
ConfigParser | ConfigParser extracts a Config from a JSON config file. |
CustomPassConfig | |
CustomPassConfig.CustomPassConfigDeserializer | Unfortunately, CustomPassConfig needs a custom deserializer because
"class" is a Java keyword, so having a getClass() setter that returns a
String is problematic. |
DiagnosticGroupUtil | DiagnosticGroupUtil is a hack to work around the fact that not
everything that plovr needs from DiagnosticGroups is exposed via its
public API. |
FileUtil | FileUtil is a set of utilities for dealing with files. |
GsonUtil | GsonUtil provides utilities for working with Gson . |
HttpUtil | |
InputFileHandler | InputFileHandler serves the content of input files to a compilation. |
JsInputComparator | |
JsSourceFile | JsSourceFile represents a JavaScript file. |
ListHandler | |
LocalFileJsInput | LocalFileJsInput represents a JavaScript input to the Closure
Compiler that can be read from a local file. |
Manifest | Manifest represents an ordered list of JavaScript inputs to the
Closure Compiler, along with a set of externs. |
Md5Util | Md5Util provides a nice API for getting the MD5 hash of a string. |
ModuleConfig | |
ModuleConfig.ModuleInfo | |
ModuleHandler | |
ModulesHandler | ModulesHandler provides a visualization of the modules as an SVG. |
PlovrClosureCompiler | PlovrClosureCompiler subclasses Compiler so that its
PlovrClosureCompiler.getDiagnosticGroups() method can be overridden to return a
PlovrDiagnosticGroups , which is a DiagnosticGroups that can
be modified from outside the com.google.javascript.jscomp package. |
PlovrDiagnosticGroups | |
QueryData | QueryData represents the query parameters in a URI. |
ResourceJsInput | ResourceJsInput represents a JavaScript file loaded from a JAR, so
it will never change, so its dependencies must only be read once. |
SoyFile | JsSourceFile represents a Soy file. |
TestHandler |
Enum Summary | |
CompilationMode | CompilationMode specifies the values for the "mode" parameter. |
ConfigOption | |
Handler | Handler is an enumeration of HttpHandler s that are registered
with the CompilationServer . |
Exception Summary | |
CheckedCoffeeScriptCompilerException | PlovrCoffeeScriptCompilerException is a CoffeeScript exception that
can generate a JSError that can be displayed for the user. |
CheckedSoySyntaxException | |
CircularDependencyException | |
CoffeeScriptCompilerException | An exception thrown by the CoffeeScript compiler. |
CompilationException | Base class for compilation errors. |
MissingProvideException | |
ModuleConfig.BadDependencyTreeException | |
PlovrCoffeeScriptCompilerException | PlovrCoffeeScriptCompilerException is a wrapper for a
CoffeeScriptCompilerException that contains information specific to
plovr, such as the JsInput that was responsible for the exception. |
PlovrSoySyntaxException | PlovrSoySyntaxException wraps a SoySyntaxException so that it
can display a plovr-specific error message. |
The core of plovr.